Azerbaijan Methanol Company (AzMeCo) is the PNN Group’s petrochemical division, which owns, develops and operates refineries in the CIS region.
AzMeCo Group develops oil refineries using unique technologies, which allow refineries to operate with various types of feedstock. It heads construction and development of oil terminals in Georgia and Ukraine. And its trading companies operate in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan.
AzMeCo’s flagship project is the construction of a major methanol production plant in Azerbaijan, consisting of a pre-existing plant that was transported from Texas and then upgraded with $250 million in investment to the highest international standards. The company has signed an offtake agreement with BP to sell methanol produced at the plant.
Plant capacity
720,000 tons of methanol per year
Raw material
Natural Gas
Total investment costs
$450 million
The plant meets modern ecological and environmental requirements